Dr Jernail Singh Anand
While addressing the youth of the upcoming world, Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, Founder Chairman, International Academy of Ethics, stressed the need to re-draw the priorities of the world. The forked question before us is: Do we like the world that we live in and we wish to continue with it? Or it is a flawed world and we need a better one. Dr. Anand emphasized that it is because of wrong priorities that we are having a world which is infested with a thousand infirmities. And, if we want to change it into a better one, we have to start afresh. Dr Anand questioned the prevalent passion for jobs and marriages, which he says are barriers to man’s mental and moral development. He emphasized that from 18th to 40th year is the most creative period of life, in which young men must devote themselves to creative pursuits, and, depending on their talent, they must be supported by the governments. He said that it is wrong to grow up young kids simply to get educated and then married off. Life is not meant for such a half-hearted bargain. Life is a divine blessing and it must be lived to its full. He suggested that Education systems which are in progress are deficient to produce the right people. There is no stress on ethical development of the youth. That is why, we are having a world which is full of flaws. Dr. Anand shared a blue print also according which, the Youth can redraw their priorities.
It is really a revolutionary idea to check the students from their general passion to look for jobs, and settle in marriages. Dr. Anand explains in the following blue print that if we want a healthy youth, healthy in mind and character, we need to divert their minds towards creative pursuits. Marriage which has proved to be a great destabilizing force for man or woman these days, should be kept at bay, and better young men apply their undisturbed attentions towards their career, and their self-formation.
We can begin with the youth. The old system which is responsible for the fall of human values, wants the students to join good colleges/universities, get good education, grab good jobs, get married, and then, earn as much as you can, and live happily. In this prioritizing, nothing seems amiss. And that is why, this proposition has become a universal proposition.
A major DEVIATION is needed here itself.
All propositions that the old system entails are fine, but there are a few questions which need to be asked.
Is getting jobs the sole aim of their education?
Is getting married the only destination after you get jobs?
Once you get a job, is maximizing your profits your dream?
Apparently it looks fine, but looking deeply into it, we can find several blues.
The first thing is that EDUCATION is imparting INFORMATION to the students.
They get education, pass with good marks, but still LEARNING eludes them.
LEARNING is the real knowledge of reality. LEARNING leads to wisdom.
WISDOM leads to LIGHT.
We are not travelers of this path. Our path is lost in the morass of wealth-creation.
DO WE KNOW that this LIFE has some other aim, than just getting a job, and feeding a few mouths?
It is important to learn some basic truths which can help the YOUTH of this world to tread safely on the path of life.
Life is not meant only to get education, get a job, get married and then, bear children.
Life has a higher meaning.
Life means Living With Dignity. Living with a Purpose.
Dignity lies in the fact that you are doing your duty well.
And you must understand what is the purpose of life.
Look at how youngsters live their youth. They are looking for two objects. A JOB, AND A WIFE.
You have been given a fertile brain. Is this brain to be wasted in finding a match
And then fighting the rest of your life?
Every film shows that a young man grows up to marry. They are just chasing each other till the end and when they marry, the film ends.
Even in old films, broken love and then fighting in marriages is the sole aim of three hour long narratives.
See Urdu dramas. Marriage is the central issue.
Is there any film which has ever shown that instead of Marriage, we need to do something specific for which we got the visa for the Earth.
It is useless to start finding a match, and then marrying on the basis of matrimonials, and then, in these hostile combinations, keep fighting all through.
REMEMBER, you have a brain and a certain faculty, which you are expected to develop,
And put to maximum use. You need to make inventions. Think fast and anew. And change the world for the better. Not to feel satisfied with what you have got. It is an easy way out.
Just remember how may inventions and discoveries were made in England.
And why, India stands nowhere in this long list of inventions.
BECAUSE we give a damn to our YOUTH.
We do not respect their talent.
We provide no outlets to them.
Rather we force them into jobs, and marriages,
And then a deadly routine, sons and daughters, their education, their marriages.
This is how the life of a young man takes the old turn.
The best and most creative period of a young man’s life is from 18 to 40 years of life.
Tell yourself, that you wasted it in search of a mate, then, you were forced to marry a girl of no choice, and then, you had to live with her against your wishes, and it was never a happy union. And then, suddenly you discovered you became a father. And now You have turned forty. And you have a son and a daughter. A working wife. Good money. Wealth too.
And life is successful.
SUCCESSFUL? NO. You have wasted your YOUTH. You have wasted your most creative period in ordinary jobs. Films which set this narrative have a purpose behind them. The purpose is TO HAVE AN AVERAGE YOUTH .. who are unaware of their potential. Who like to be wasted.
Set the right priorities. In colleges, do not get bogged down under the weight of your examinations. Instead of Education, look for Learning. Learning means the potential to know what is right and what is wrong. You must know that you are on the right path. It comes from an understanding of the ethical issues of life.
What is right makes your character strong.
And if you follow the wrong, you become a moral criminal.
If India is weak today, it is because we have a whole harvest of youth which have no sense of right and wrong. Who have no training in Ethics. Where to stop, and where to say No.
Change you mental track. Redraw your priorities. Only then we could have a better world. A better system. An enlightened world where merit matters the most.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand is CEO of the International Academy of Ethics. He is Professor Emeritus with the European Institute of the Roma Studies, Belgrade and Honorary Member of the Serbian Writers Association. Dr. Anand has authored 150 books which include 9 epics which are considered world classics. He has innovated the theory of Bio-text in critical theory. The Univ. of Neyshabur, Iran has conducted a Research Project on his Poetry comparing it with Iranian Poets, under Dr. Roghayeh Farsi. His works have been translated into 20 world languages.

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