Andra Vamsi re-designated as Private Secy to MOS, Home Affairs

IAS officer Andra Vamsi has been re-designated as Private Secretary to MOS, Home Affairs, the ministry presently held by Mr Bandi Sanjay Kumar.
The Competent Authority has approved the proposal to re-designate the post of
Private Secretary (at Deputy Secretary level) to the Minister of State for Home Affairs in the Ministry of Home Affairs held by IAS Andra Vamsi.
A year 2011 batch IAS officer of UP cadre IAS Andra Vamsi is currently serving as
Private Secretary (at Director level). Now he will be working for the same Minister.
He has been appointed as a measure personal to him with effect from 01.01.2025 or from date of assumption of charge of the re-designated post, whichever is later and for a period upto 28.08.2029.
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