LIEUTENANT GENERAL PRIT PAL SINGH ASSUMES COMMAND OF SUDARSHAN CHAKRA CORPS / लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल प्रीत पाल सिंह ने सुदर्शन चक्र कोर की कमान संभाली

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Jaipur, Wednesday 03 Jan 2024

            Lt Gen Prit Pal Singh took over the reins of the Sudarshan Chakra Corps from Lt Gen Vipul Shinghal on 01 Jan 2024, as the 28th General Officer Commanding.

         The General officer hails from village Nago Ke, Sirsa district in Haryana. Having studied in Sanik School, Kunjpura, Karnal from 1977-1979, he moved to Moti Lal Nehru School of Sports, Rai, Sonipat from 1979-1985. General officer is a graduate from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi. He excels in hockey & represented his school, college and Haryana state at National level.

            Lieutenant General Prit Pal Singh was commissioned into 62 Cavalary of the Armoured Corps in Dec 1989. His father also served in 62 Cavalary from 1962-1968 and is veteran of Indo-China 1962 and India-Pakistan 1965 Wars. He is an alumnus of Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. In a career spanning over 34 years, he has tenanted active combat roles at respective stages of command in the Army. The General has a distinct service profile, having attended various prestigious courses including the Defence Services Staff Course at Wellington, Higher Command Course at Mhow and National Defence course at Delhi. He brings with him vast experience of varied Military theatres ranging from Deserts to Counter Terrorism Operations.

         The General has tenanted varied important Command, Staff and Instructional appointments to include tenures in various capacities at Brigade, Division, Corps, Command and at Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence (Army). His command tenures include command of an Armoured Regiment on the Weatern Front and in Counter Terrorism environment, command of an Armoured Brigade and General Officer Commanding of an Infantry Division in Southern Command. The General has served in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations at Headquarters United Nations, New York as well as in United Nations Peacekeeping Missions in Ethiopia & Eriteria. He has also been a Directing staff at Senior Command Wing, Army War College, Mhow.

         Prior to taking over the Sudarshan Chakra Corps, he was tenanting the appointment of Major General General Staff at Headquarters Southern Command. General Officer for his exemplary dedication and distinguished service has been award Vice Chief of Army Staff Commendation Card during his tenure at Military Operations Directorate, General Officer Commanding in Chief Western Command Commendation Card during Command of 62 Cavalary, General Officer Commanding in Chief ARTRAC Commendation Card during his tenure at Army War Collage and General Officer Commanding in Chief Southern Command Commendation Card during staff tenure at Headquarters Southern Command.

         On assumption of Command of the prestigious Sudarshan Chakra Corps, the Corps Commander extends his warm greetings to all ranks, Veer Naris and veterans as well as their family members.

लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल प्रीत पाल सिंह ने सुदर्शन चक्र कोर की कमान संभाली

Jaipur, Wednesday, 03 Jan 2024

          लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल प्रीत पाल सिंह ने 01 जनवरी 2024 को 28वें जनरल ऑफिसर कमांडिंग के रूप में लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल विपुल शिंगल, सेना मेडल से सुदर्शन चक्र कोर की बागडोर संभाली।

      जनरल ऑफिसर हरियाणा के सिरसा जिले के नागो के गांव के रहने वाले हैं। 1977-1979 तक सैनिक स्कूल, कुंजपुरा, करनाल में अध्ययन करने के बाद, वह 1979-1985 तक मोती लाल नेहरू स्कूल ऑफ स्पोर्ट्स, राय, सोनीपत चले गए। जनरल ऑफिसर ने दिल्ली के श्री राम कॉलेज ऑफ कॉमर्स से स्नातक किया है। उन्होंने हॉकी में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन किया और राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अपने स्कूल,कॉलेज और हरियाणा राज्य का प्रतिनिधित्व किया। लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल प्रीत पाल सिंह ने दिसंबर 1989 में बख्तरबंद कोर की 62 कैवेलरी में कमीशन लिया। उनके पिता ने भी 1962-1968 तक 62 कैवेलरी में सेवा की और 1962 भारत- चीन युद्ध और भारत-पाकिस्तान 1965 युद्ध के अनुभवी हैं। . वह भारतीय सैन्य अकादमी, देहरादून के पूर्व छात्र हैं। 34 वर्षों से अधिक के करियर में, उन्होंने सेना में कमांड के संबंधित चरणों में सक्रिय लड़ाकू भूमिकाएँ निभाई हैं।

            जनरल की एक विशिष्ट सेवा प्रोफ़ाइल है, उन्होंने वेलिंगटन में रक्षा सेवा स्टाफ कोर्स, महू में हायर कमांड कोर्स और दिल्ली में राष्ट्रीय रक्षा पाठ्यक्रम सहित विभिन्न प्रतिष्ठित पाठ्यक्रमों में भाग लिया है। वह अपने साथ रेगिस्तान से लेकर आतंकवाद विरोधी अभियानों तक विभिन्न सैन्य थिएटरों का विशाल अनुभव लेकर आए हैं। जनरल ने ब्रिगेड, डिवीजन, कोर, कमांड और रक्षा मंत्रालय (सेना) के एकीकृत मुख्यालय में विभिन्न क्षमताओं में कार्यकाल शामिल करने के लिए विभिन्न महत्वपूर्ण कमांड, स्टाफ और निर्देशात्मक नियुक्तियां की हैं। उनके कमांड कार्यकाल में वेटरन फ्रंट पर एक बख्तरबंद रेजिमेंट की कमान और आतंकवाद विरोधी माहौल में एक बख्तरबंद ब्रिगेड की कमान और दक्षिणी कमान में एक इन्फैंट्री डिवीजन के जनरल ऑफिसर कमांडिंग शामिल हैं।

      जनरल ने मुख्यालय संयुक्त राष्ट्र, न्यूयॉर्क में शांति स्थापना संचालन विभाग के साथ-साथ इथियोपिया और एरिटेरिया में संयुक्त राष्ट्र शांति मिशन में भी काम किया है। वह सीनियर कमांड विंग, आर्मी वॉर कॉलेज, महू में डायरेक्टिंग स्टाफ भी रहे हैं। सुदर्शन चक्र कोर का कार्यभार संभालने से पहले, वह दक्षिणी कमान मुख्यालय में मेजर जनरल जनरल स्टाफ के पद पर कार्यरत थे। जनरल ऑफिसर को उनके अनुकरणीय समर्पण और विशिष्ट सेवा के लिए सैन्य संचालन निदेशालय में उनके कार्यकाल के दौरान वाइस चीफ ऑफ आर्मी स्टाफ कमेंडेशन कार्ड, पश्चिमी कमान में 62 कैवेलरी की कमान के दौरान जनरल ऑफिसर कमांडिंग इन चीफ कमेंडेशन कार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया है।  आर्मी वॉर  कॉलेज में उनके कार्यकाल के दौरान जनरल ऑफिसर कमांडिंग इन चीफ ARTRAC कमेंडेशन कार्ड और मुख्यालय दक्षिणी कमान में स्टाफ कार्यकाल के दौरान जनरल ऑफिसर कमांडिंग इन चीफ कमेंडेशन कार्ड दिया गया।

            प्रतिष्ठित सुदर्शन चक्र कोर की कमान संभालने पर, कोर कमांडर ने सभी रैंकों, वीर नारियों और दिग्गजों के साथ-साथ उनके परिवार के सदस्यों को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं दीं।

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