Pakistan Army’s 83rd Formation Commanders Conference Addresses National Security Challenges

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Pakistan Army’s 83rd Formation Commanders Conference Addresses National Security Challenges

General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M), Chief of Army Staff (COAS), led the 83rd Formation Commanders Conference at GHQ, with Corps Commanders, Principal Staff Officers, and Formation Commanders of the Pakistan Army in attendance.

The conference commenced with a solemn tribute to the sacrifices of Shuhadas, acknowledging the valor of those who laid down their lives for Pakistan’s safety, security, and sovereignty, encompassing personnel from the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement Agencies, and citizens.

Key discussions centered on the evolving geo-strategic landscape, emerging national security threats, and the Army’s strategies to counter multi-domain challenges. Technological innovations aimed at modernizing the Army and enhancing logistic support to field formations were also deliberated upon to adapt to dynamic operational environments.

Expressing grave concerns over cross-border violations from Afghanistan and terrorism emanating from Afghan soil, the forum underscored the need for concerted efforts to address such threats. It recognized the invaluable sacrifices of the people of Newly Merged Districts in combating terrorism and emphasized their upliftment for sustainable peace.

Attention was drawn to socio-economic development in Balochistan to counter narratives of exclusion exploited by foreign proxies, aiming to disrupt peace and progress. Solidarity with Kashmiri people in their struggle for self-determination and concerns over minorities’ treatment in India were reiterated, along with condemnation of human rights violations in Gaza.

Addressing digital terrorism aimed at sowing discord, the forum affirmed the nation’s resilience against such malicious campaigns. It emphasized the swift dispensation of justice for the collective good and pledged support for government initiatives towards economic growth and curbing illegal activities.

COAS Munir lauded the high training standards and operational readiness displayed by formations, highlighting their exemplary performance in counter-terrorism operations and maintaining morale.

As the conference concluded, a unified resolve was expressed to confront challenges, uphold national security, and ensure a prosperous future for Pakistan.

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