18th Brigs MNS Work Study Conference held in New Delhi
The 18th Brigs MNS work study conference was held under the aegis of Adjutant General and DGMS (Army) at Army Hospital (Research & Referral), New Delhi on 3-4 January 2025. The theme of the conference was “Capability Building & Competency in Nursing”. The conference was chaired by Maj Gen Ignatius Delos Flora, Addl DGMNS. Relevant issues and challenges about the administration of MNS officers were deliberated upon.
To mark the forthcoming Centenary Celebration of Military Nursing Service in the year 2025-2026, DGMS (Army) & Sr Col Comdt Lt Gen Sadhna S Nair released the Logo and Slogan. The slogan for the Centenary Celebration is ‘Honouring the past, Healing the present & inspiring the Future’.
This conference is held annually since 2006 to discuss relevant nursing issues having direct or indirect impact on comprehensive quality patient care. With globalization and growing complexity of scientific and technical advancement, MNS offrs face tremendous challenges to keep nursing practice relevant to the health care needs, training and Nursing administration.

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