Dr. Jernail Singh Anand
Writing poetry is a serious business, which involves the very being of man.
But most people take to poetry as a matter of hobby, not as a serious business of life. Poetry is not just a few rhyming lines by adjusting words at the end, but it is the emotion that these words carry, which can be called poetry. A major issue with poetry is : How many people are full time poets? There have been very few poets who made a good name and a good living too. Otherwise, poetry is a straight road to the poor house. In the beginning, poets used to sing in the royal courts, please the kings, and receive benedictions. That streak persists even today. Poets generally do not write poetry for its own sake, but their eye is fixed on prizes and awards.
It is a pity Poetry is not an economic art. Rather, it is a losing proposition. Nobody can live on poetry. Poets are looked upon as poor, good for nothing people. They have No Say as such in the society, no influence on the mainstream, and few takers too in universities. Reason: they talk of morals, goodness and uprightness, – ideas which are not supported by the society. However, there are professional poets, and poets who have understood the dynamics of the market. They belong to the elite class, and have absorbed the new ethos. Yet, it is difficult to finally say that Poetry as an Art can feed a family.
The Second major issue with Poetry is the practical aspect. LOVING POETRY IS ONE THING, LIVING BY IT QUITE ANOTHER, AND STILL DIFFERENT AND MORE DIFFICULT IS LIVING IT OUT. Living Poetry means living by your principles. One wonders how many people believe in what they are saying in their poems.
Most of us look at Poetry as an Academic art. Academic means something that we are doing, learning, practising to pass an Exam. It means we are writing poems on themes by which we wish to impact Others. If at all we think of a change, we think others will absorb our ideas and start working out a Revolution. Poetry as an Academic Art is studied in Universities and colleges, only for the sake of securing ma hirks. You are not called upon to LIVE IT. For example, you read and write poems against dowry, female foeticide and poverty. But it is only for general consumption. When it comes to your own marriage, nobody spares dowry. People want boys, not girls, and celebrate their birth. Poverty is nobody’s concern. We are worried about AMASSING WEALTH. Far beyond our needs. Where are the morals we profess in our poems which are highly appreciated in poetic festivals?
Poetry does not hold your hand, it never tells you, please stop. When you are trying to short-circuit the rules, your poem never come to life to tell you that sometime in the past, you had written in favour of Honesty too. How many times we have admired honesty and integrity of the armed forces, yet how many times we have ourselves violated the national discipline? How we treat our women at home? Our daughters on the streets? Where is women empowerment? Where is feminine ‘Shakti’? See the ground reports how they contradict with the poem that you dedicated to Female Shakti.
The POETIC ROMANCE has an UNFLATTERING REALITY UNDERLYING IT. How many truly become Poets? And How many great Poets have university degrees behind them?
It needs to be understood that Poetry is not just the art of scribbling a few rhyming lines on paper. Poetry is a multi-layered art. First of all, Poetry is conceived. Secondly, Poetry is delivered. Then, Poetry is read, Fourth: Poetry is studied. Five, poetry is interpreted. Six, which is mostly absent from general reckoning, an moves it upward from an ART to something ALIVE. And Last one – POETRY IS LIVED. Again, a big question. How many live poetry?
We have seen the romance of poetry in ‘mushahiras’ in the films and in real life too. But, in modern cities, poetry has been reduced to a hobby. And people get together to have a good time. Very rarely we see poetry written and recited and taken seriously by the people. That is why, POETS are not taken SERIOUSLY. If a poet does not challenge his environment, and if he cannot evaluate and criticize what is amiss, poetry is a waste of words. As it has a higher calling, it is missing from the lives of general people. Literature is looked upon as some passion which runs against the wind. Yes, it runs against the wind. Poetry is the mainstay of humanity. Poets are not only legislators, they are prophets too. It is another thing the society does not believe them, nor takes them seriously.
Dr. Jernail Singh Anand is Professor Emeritus at the European Institute of Roma Studies and Research, Belgrade, and an Honorary Member of the Association of Serbian Writers.
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