-By Dr Shalini Yadav
AAZAAD FOUNDATION has offered to provide funding for the research work on various aspects of Dr. Anand’s work. Here is a bibliography of the books published by the great Indian bard of the modern times who was recently elevated to be an Honorary Member of the Associal of Serbian Writers. It is very rare a living author has accumulated so much goodwill from his contemporaries. Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic considers him “the greatest poet among philosophers and greatest philosopher among poets”.
While commenting on his latest work of Poetry, ‘The Invisible Jury’, Prof. Mandakini Bhattacherya from Calcutta writes of Dr. Anand as “A swashbuckling poet – who revels in tackling Indian and Western myths, turning them constantly to reveal their myriad facets, giving them a contemporary twist. Both patrician and plebeian characters and themes find equal emphasis in his poetry, rendering it innately universal, and making him one of the rare Indian and international poetic legends offering such range”.
A living author whose writing challenges the readers in many ways deserves to be written about, discussed and researched. Here, we offer a list of his books and articles written by him and on him, which can help the potential researchers, readers as a guide, as well as a great motivation for younger writers to write their hearts out.
[150 BOOKS]
- A Million Destinies (Single Author) USA. 2013,
ISBN: 978-14848313
2. Beyond Words (Single Author) USA 2013, ISBN: 13:978-1484097502
3. Wolves of Malwadi (Single Author), Germany, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-8454-4939-5
4. Metamorphosis: Emerging Cultural Constructs (Main) (Two more Authors) Lap Pub., Germany, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-659-41058-1
5. Bliss: The Ultimate Magic (Single Author), 2013, ISBN: 978-14904-26440
6. Beyond Life Beyond Death (Single Author)Partridge, US/IND. 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4828-1850-5
7. The Apocalypse (Single Author), US. 2013,ISBN: 13:978-1490521329
8. The Monster Within (Single Author) US 2013, ISBN: 978-1490-932873
9. I Belong To You (Single Author), US 2013,ISBN: 13:978-1490995366
10. Confessions of A Corpse (Single Author) USA, 2013, ISBN: 13:978-1490-516745 - In Love With Cosmos (in Persian) Trans. By Nargues Mohammadi, (Single Author)
Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, (Haryana) 2017, ISBN: 978-9384-922436.
12. Bliss: (In Persian) Trans. (Single Author),ISBN: 9786001063893
13. ‘Facing It’ Poems, Edity (Italy) 2021.
14. New Perspectives in English Proverbs: Jnanda Parkashan, New Delhi, 2013, ISBN: 978-81-7139-558-3
15. Bliss: the Ultimate Magic (Single Author) Graphit India, Chandigarh, 2007, ISBN: 81-904236-3-0 - I Belong to you. (Single Author) Jnanda Parkashan, New Delhi, 2011, ISBN: 978-817139-468-5
17. The Split Vision (Single Author) Indian Pub. Distributors, New Delhi. 2004, ISBN: 81-7341-332-0
18. Spare Me, O Lucifer (Single Author) Writers Workshop, Calcutta, 2000, ISBN: 81-7595-694-1
19. Burning Bright (Single Author) The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2014, ISBN: 978-81-925839-7-6
20. The Lost Bliss (Single Author) The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2014, ISBN: 978-93-83888-12-2
21. The Hot Wave (trans. by Punjabi Univ. (Single Author) Punjabi Univ. Patiala, 2014, ISBN: 978-81302-0242-6
22. The Trespassers (Single Author) Writers Workshop, Calcutta, 1995, ISBN: 81-7189-818
23. The Monster Within (Single Author) Takshila Parkashan, Sirhind, 1991. ISBN: 978-93-91091-32-3
24. Confessions of a Corpse (Single Author) Writers Workshop, Calcutta, 1989, ISBN: 978-93-90663-16-3
25. The Other Passion (Single Author) Dawar Publications, Malout. 2002.25 - Beyond Life Beyond Death (Single Author) Dawar Pub Malout 2001
27. Creative Consciousness (research) by J.S. Anand, Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, 2015, ISBN: 978-93-84922-07-8 (pb)
28. Voices From Eternity: The Ganges and the Nile in Converse, by J.S. Anand and George Onsy (Indo-Egyptian Anthology). The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon 2015, ISBN: 978-93-83888-31-3
29. The Living Splendour by J.S. Anand, Pub. Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur. 2017 ISBN: 978-93-86242-83-9
30. World Anthology of English Poetry, – Co-Editor, The Poetry Soc. of India, Gurgaon, 2014 ISBN: 978-93-83888-22-1
31. Geet: The Unsung song of Eternity, by Dr J.S. Anand.Pub by Authorpress, New Delhi, 2018 ISBN: 978-93-87651-88-3, Pages: 267.
32. Alluring Love by K.C. Sethi and Dr J.S. Anand, The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2017. ISBN: 978-93-83888- 71-9
33. Hard Talk by J.S. Anand, Pub. Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur. 2017ISBN: 978-93-86242-32-7
34. Poetic Passions – An Indo Nigerian Anthology of English Poetry, Mutiu Olawuyi and Dr J.S. Anand, Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur 2016, ISBN: 978-93-86242-16-7 - Whispers From The Blue, an Indo-Italian Anthology of English Poetry, Multi text by Dr J.S. Anand. Maria Miraglia, (Italy). The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2016,ISBN-13: 978-9383755264
36 Difficult Times 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94385-32-5
37. Mahabharat: The War of Words 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94385-36-3
- Plague: The Metaphor is Dead 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94705-25-3
39. The Master: The Return of the Prophet 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94705-22-2
40. Postmodern Voices. Vol. 1 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94747-85-7 - Postmodern Voices Vol. 2, 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94747-88-8
- Postmodern Voices Vol. 3 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94747-81-9
43. Postmodern Voices Vol. 4 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94747-89-5
44. Postmodern Voices Vol. 5 2021, ISBN: 978-93-90670-07-2
45. The Ganturbury Tales, by Dr Jernail Singh Anand,Pub Authorspress, New Delhi, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-88008-93-8, P.205.
46. Voices From The Void, by Dr J.S. Anand, Global Fraternity of Poets, Gurgaon, 2019,ISBN: 978-93-83755-86-8
47. Fighting The Flames, by Dr J.S. Anand, Global Fraternity of Poets, Gurgaon, 2019,ISBN: 978-93-83755-00-0
48. The Satanic Empire, (Epic) by Dr Jernail S. Anand.Global Fraternity of Poets, Gurugram, 2019, ISBN: 978-93-83755-99-8
Books published in 2021 by Yayati Madan Gandhi Group of Publications, Gurgaon.
49. Poetic Manifesto of Dr. Jernail S Anand 2021,ISBN: 978-93-90670-37-6
50. The Semantic Universe of Dr. Jernail S. Anand, ISBN: 978-93-90670-45-1
- Post Modern Voices Volume-6, ISBN: 978-93-90670-22-2
52. 21st century vol-3, ISBN: 978-93-90670-13-0 - Desh Bigana, ISBN: 978-93-90670-15-4
54. The Broken Narrative, ISBN: 978-93-90670-54-3
55. The Mystique of life and Death, ISBN: 978-93-90670-21-5
56. 21st century CRITICAL THOUGHT Vol.-4, ISBN: 978-93-90670-40-6 - The Dark Forest, ISBN: 978-93-90663-18-7
- Cosmic Poetry Vol-1, ISBN: 978-93-91091-23-1
- The Tempted Species, ISBN: 978-93-91091-03-3
- The Lost Island, ISBN: 978-93-91091-12-5
- The Mighty Irine, The Survivor of a Thousand Shipwrecks. by Dr. Maja Herman Sekulic and Dr. J.S. Anand. ISBN: 978-93-91091-04-0
- The Tragic Flaw, ISBN: 978-93-91091-06-4
- When Element Revolted, ISBN: 978-93-91091-20-
- Bliss Vol.-4, ISBN: 978-81-949206-5-6
- The Legacy of Errors, ISBN: 978-81-949206-4-9
- The Darkling Planet, ISBN: 978-81-949206-7-0
- The Frozen Images, ISBN: 978-81-949206-3-2
- The Luminous Halo, ISBN: 978-81-949206-6-3
- The Nether World, ISBN: 978-93-91091-33-0
70. In Final Analysis, ISBN: 978-93-91091-30-9 - And The wind Sagged At My Feet, ISBN: 978-93-91091-25-5
72. The Indifferent Fate, ISBN: 978-93-91091-05-7 - The Incorrigible Tenant, ISBN: 978-93-91091-21-7
- Impulse, ISBN: 978-93-91091-26-2
75 The Monster Within, ISBN: 978-93-91091-32-3 - Indo Jordanian Poetic Corridor, ISBN: 978-93-91091-31-6
- A Passage To Romania, ISBN: 978-93-90663-17-0
78. Confessions of a Corpse, ISBN: 978-93-90663-16-
79 The Fall of the First Empire, ISBN: 978-93-90663-13-2 - Yes I Contradict Myself, ISBN: 978-93-90663-23-1
- The Innocent Barbarian, ISBN: 978-81-9470523-9
- The Melodies Unheard, ISBN: 978-93-90663-24-8
- Stardust, ISBN: 978-81-947052-9-1 (Edited) authored by Ljubomir Mihajlovski Macedonia.
- The Mixed Fare, ISBN: 978-93-90663-07-1
- The Walls of Flesh, ISBN: 978-93-90663-12-5
- Post Modern Voices Vol.-7, ISBN: 978-93-90670-56-7
87. Indo New Zealand Poetic Encomium, ISBN: 978-93-90663-25-5 - LILACS IN BLOOM poetry anthology, ISBN: 978-93-89213-13-3.
- Cosmic Poetry Vol.-1. ISBN: 978-93-91091-23-1
- Cosmic Poetry Vol.- 2 ISBN NO. 978-819-47478-8
- Creative Vision of Dr. Jernail S. Anand, by Dr. Manminder S. AnandISBN: 978-93-90670-00-0
- Vishwabharti Companion on Dr. JS. Anand ISBN No. 978-93-87966-48-2
- 21st Century Critical Thought Vol.1, ISBN: 978-81-94747-87-1.
- 21st Century Critical Thought vol. 2ISBN: 978-81-94747-83-3
- The Reluctant Dawn 2021, ISBN: 978-81-94738-67-1
- The Cosmic Fall Out, 2021, ISBN: 978-81-94738-64-0
- The Broken Narrative 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94485-82-7
- Poetic Manifesto of Dr. Anand by Manminder S. Anand,
ISBN: 978-93-90670-37-6 - Home, Family and Marriage by Dr. JS. Anand, ISBN: 978-93-90670-05-5
- Mystical Voices, ISBN: 978-81-94705-26-0
- 21st Century Critical Thought Vol. 3, ISBN: 978-93-90670-24-8
- Bliss the Ultimate Magic 4th ed., ISBN: 978-81-94920-65-6
- The Frozen Images 2021, ISBN: 978-81-949206-3-2
- The Nether World 2021, ISBN: 978-93-91091-33-0
- The Luminous Halo Poetry 2021, ISBN: 978-81-94920-66-3
- The Festival of fire, 2021, ISBN: 978-81-94385-31-8
- The Lost Rhythm 2020, ISBN: 978-81-94385-34-9
- SARAP MUKT – Chetna Parkash, LDH, 2005, ISBN: 81-7883-201-1
- KHILRDA SANGREH – Waris Shah Foundation, Amritsar, 2008 -13, ISBN: 978-81-7856-208-7
- Sarian Pauna Sari Channi, poetry, Udaan Pub, Mansa, 2009 ISBN: 81-89869-72-8
- Chuchak Diye Jaiye, Uddan Pub Mansa, 2009,ISBN: 81-89869-82-5
- Sach te Kach Varmaan Parkash, New Delhi, 2010,ISBN: 81-903722-3-8
- Khahishan de Aar Paar: Udaan Pub. Mansa, 2013, ISBN: 93-80672-46-2
- Des Begana. Dr. J.S. Anand, Earth Vision Publications, Gurugram. 2021 ISBN NO. 978-93-90670-15-4
- No Man’s Land, ISBN: 97-893-89213-22-5
- Emerging Horizons, ISBN: 978-93-90670-24-6
- The Mixed Fare – Anthology short stories, ISBN: 978-93-90663-07-1
- Poets and Poetry – Spaces Within and without, Ed., ISBN: 978-81-94485-84-1
- Dynamics of Poetry, Said and the Unsaid, Ed.,
ISBN: 978-81-94485-87-2 - Melodi Poetike – Poetic Strains, with Marjeta Shatro Rrapaj, (Albania)
ISBN NO. 978-93-89213-17-1 - Smoke Poetry, ISBN: 9789391091378 Poetry Society of India 2021
- ‘Metaphysics; A Mirror To Mysticism’ A Literarty Approach to Some Selected Poetry of Donne, Rumi And Anand” by Hela Tekali, (Tunisia), Earth Vision Publications, Gurugram, 2019. ISBN: 978-93-84922-93-7
- The Disturbing Factor. A Novel, ISBN: 9789390670697.
124. The Wall of Breath (Under Publication)
125. Corredor Poetico De Polonia Indo, ISBN: 978-93-90670-37-11
126. The Flashes of Eternity, ISBN: 978-93-91091-38-5
127. The Melodies Unheard, ISBN: 978-93-90663-24-8 - The Wall of Flesh, ISBN: 978-93-90663-12-5
129. Indo New Zealand Poetic Enconium, ISBN: 978-93-90663-25-5
130. Poetic Cocktail, ISBN: 978-93-90663-31-6 - Flashes of Eternity, ISBN: 978-93-90663-32-3
- Lustus: The Prince of Darkness, ISBN: 978-93-91091- 43-9
- The Dominion of the Netherworld,
ISBN No. 9789391091088 Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2022. - The Ultronic Age: The Celestial Reign,
ISBN No. 9789394636309 Asian Press, Kolkata, 2022.
135. The Rainbow of Eternity, Bajram Redsepagic & Jernail S. Anand.
ISBN NO. 978-93-91091-45-3 - Cosmic Poetry Vol. 2. Ed ISBN No 9789391091071
The Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2022. Ed. Sandhya Rao. - Cosmic Poetry Vol. 3. Ed ISBN No. 978991091101
Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon 2022 - The Earthlings: Ed by Sumedha Bhandari,
Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, 2022, ISBN No. 9789390670048 - Dr. Manminder Singh Anand’s Critical Review of the Mahakaal Triology by Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2022, ISBN No. 9789391091453
- The Real Corporate, by Dr. J.S. Anand, ed by Dr. Brad Modlin,
Global Fraternity of Poets, Gurgaon, 2022, ISBN No. 9789390663026 - A Comparative Study of the Poetry of J.S. Anand, Sohrab Sepehri and Forugh Farrokhazad, by Dr. Roghayeh Farsi, Earth Vision Publications, 2022.
ISBN No 9789391091095 - Point Counter Point, by Dr. J.S. Anand, ISBN No. 9789390670031
Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, 2022. - Vishav Kavi Jernail Singh Anand, The Semantic Universe of Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, by Brahm Jagdish Singh. 2022, Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, ISBN No. 9789390670451
- Postmodern Voices, Vol. 8. Patron: Dr. Jernail Singh Anand,
ed by Dr. Tamali Neogi. Earth Vision Publications, Gurugram. 2022.
ISBN No. 978-93-90670-26-0 - The Invisible Jury, by Dr. JS. Anand Ed by Dr. Manminder Singh Anand,
ISBN No. 978-93-91091-24-8, Poetry Society of India, Gurugram, India 2022. - Ground Zero. Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, Poetry/ Poetry Society of India, 2023 ISBN 978-93-91091-39-2
- The Broken Narrative by Dr J.S. Anand, translated in Persian by Mohammad Hussein Aghajani Iran. 2021. Earth Vision Publications, Gurugram. 2021. ISBN NO. 978-93-90670-54-3
- Nargues Mohammadi’s translation of Bliss by Dr. J.S. anand into Persian. 2016. ISBN NO. 978-600-1063-893
149. Under Publication: Lustus: the Prince of Darkness in Persian translation.
- Jernail Singh anand’s Poetic Manifesto, by Dr. Manminder Singh Anand
Earth Vision Publications. 2021. ISBN NO. 978-93-90670-37-6
Dr.Roghayeh Farsi, Univ. of Neyshabur, Iran, has been a literary biographer of Dr. Anand. She has written extensively on his work which is available on line.
- “FROM THE WASTELAND TO THE WRETCHED LAND: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF J.S. ANAND’S AND T.S. ELIOT’S POETRY” BY Dr. Roghayeh Farsi, Neyshabur University Iran. LANGUAGE IN INDIA, Vol. 13, June, 2013, Page 236‐255. ISSN No. 1930‐2940
- ‘FABULATING THROUGH THE SPIRITUAL: GIBRAN’S ‘THE PROPHET’ AND ANAND’S ‘BLISS’ by Dr. Roghayeh Farsi, Neyshabur University, Iran, LANGUAGE IN INDIA, Vol. 13, Sept., 2013. P. 342‐362, ISSN NO. 1930‐2940
- “BIOTEXT: A NEW PERSPECTIVE” by Dr. Roghayeh Farsi, Neyshabur University Iran, LANGUAGE IN INDIA Vol. 13, Nov. 2013. P. 183‐199. ISSN NO. 1930‐2940
- Biotext: Deleuze and Bakhtin: by Dr. Roghayah Farsi, Language in India, Vol. 15, 3 March, 2015. ISSN NO. 1930‐2940.
- “Beyond Life Beyond Death: Studying the Idea of Spirituality in the Poetry of Dr J.S. Anand” by Durga Patva, Research Scholar, Department of English, University of Lucknow, published by LangLit, An International Peer Reviewed Open Access Journal, Vol. 2 Issue 1, August 2015 ISSN no. 2349‐5189 API Score 25
Most of the research articles written by eminent scholars on various books are available in the following books:
Dr. Manminder Singh Anand’s Critical Review of the Mahakaal Triology by Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, Poetry Society of India, Gurgaon, 2022, ISBN No. 9789391091453
Creative Vision of Dr. Jernail S. Anand, by Dr. Manminder S. AnandISBN: 978-93-90670-00-0
Vishwabharti Companion on Dr. JS. Anand ISBN No. 978-93-87966-48-2
Jernail Singh Anand’s Poetic Manifesto, by Dr. Manminder Singh Anand
Earth Vision Publications. 2021. ISBN NO. 978-93-90670-37-6
Point Counter Point by Dr. Jernail Singh Anand, a work which carries his views on poetic philosophy., ISBN No. 9789390670031 Earth Vision Publications, Gurgaon, 2022.
“Instant Poetry: Poetic Genius versus Poetic Talent” [Peer Reviewed] Language in India, Vol. 14, 6th June, 2014. P. 19‐24. ISSN No. 1930‐2940.
“Creative Process and Freedom; A Near Myth”[Peer reviewed] International Journal of Res. Vol. 1, Issue 5, 2014. P. 408‐415 ISSN 2348‐6848.
“Spontaneity and Creative Impulse” [Peer reviewed] International journal of Res. Vol. 1, Issue 5, 2014, p. 457‐461 ISSN 2348‐6848.
“Poetic Discourse: For Whom the Pen Rolls” [Peer Rev.] International J. of Res. Vol. 1, Issue 5, 2014. P. 801‐821 ISSN 2348‐6848.
“Redefining Ancient Wisdom: Creating New Perspectives in English Proverbs”, LITERARY VOICE, biennial, Peer Reviewed Journal. Vol. 1 No. 3, March, 2014. ISSN 2277‐4521.
“A Creative Response to Poetic Creation; A New Aesthetic for Critical Appreciation” LANGUAGE IN INDIA, [Peer rev.], Vol. 14, 7 July, 2014. ISSN 1930‐2940.
“Role of Religion and Spirituality in Civilizing Human Society: A Contemporary Perspective by Dr J.S. Anand and Prof M.S. Anand, International Journal of Research, [IJR} Vol. 1, Issue 9, ‐October, 2014 page 57‐63 ISSN 2348‐6848.
“Word, Sense and the Essence: The Talisam of Words” International Journal of Research, Vol. 7, August, 2014. ISSN No. 2348‐4868.
“Art as Fiction: A Study of Poetry as Romantic Fiction”. IJR, Vol. 2, Issue 02, Feb. 2015. E‐ ISSN 2348‐795X.
“Poet on the Overdrive: The Mystery of the Poetic Moment”,by J.S. Anand. Language in India, Vol. 15, 4 April, 2015. ISSN No. 1930‐2940.
“The Creative Consciousness: The Role of the Text and the Biotext” by J.S. Anand pub by Macrothink Institute, Nevada,USA in their Journal of Education and Linguistic Research, Vol. 1, No. 1, April, 2015. ISSN No. 2377‐1356.
“Role of Religion and Spirituality
Human Society: A Contemporary Perspective by J.S. Anand and M.S. Anand, International Journal of Research Vol. 1, issue 9, Oct. 2014 ISSN 2348‐6848
- “Genius: Our Lost Priority: Studying the Imperatives of Education, by J.S. Anand and M.S. Anand, Language in India, Vol. 15:5 May, 2015. ISSN No. 1930‐2940.

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